Winter Storm Janus: Payroll Stopper?

According to The Weather Channel, the “nor’easter” is “poised to pack a massive punch in the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and New England” today. Winter Storm Janus is forecasted to bring travel delays, school and federal government closings, power outages, and more. With these effects, businesses are impacted quickly and owners are left scrambling to carry on “business…

Workers’ Compensation- Is it working for you?

In 2012, there were over 12 work related deaths per day (US Department of Labor). This statistic shows the importance of a business not only protecting their best asset, human capital, but also their company’s resources.This is where workers’ compensation comes into play. Unless you’re one of the few employers, and I mean FEW, that…

Health Care Savings- Go Ahead. Take It.

Health care, thanks to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, has been quite the hot topic. Managing employee benefits and their associated costs, has never been more important. Employers and employees should be careful not to leave any money on the table when it comes to tax savings. Flexible spending arrangements, or FSAs, have…

Your Client Retention Rate Stinks. Now What?

It’s the beginning of a new year. You lost some clients, you gained some. But do you know why? With reasons ranging from customer dissatisfaction to better offers/marketing from the competition, a high attrition rate is concerning for any business owner. Many reasons could be cited in this article and dissected, but I want to…

Happy New Year

Happy New Blog!

 5 …4…3…2…1…Happy New Blog! We’re kicking off our new year with new content. First, we’re starting with a blog. As a part of “helping people get the most out of their workday”, our goal is to share our expertise with members of the MPAY Network and MPAY Community. We want to connect with like-minded business…