SOC_AL MED_A: Can I Buy a Vowel?

It was the email I’d been waiting three months to receive- the Wheel of Fortune call back invitation. It was formal, including the “when”, “where”, and eligibility rules, but no information on what to expect in the auditions. Where would I turn for this information? Social media. “Be honest with yourself. Don’t spend time and…

Customer Experience: Going for Gold

When was the last time a company exceeded your expectations? Or rebounded well from a mistake? How did that affect your image of them as a service provider? I’m sure we can all drum up a horror story or two from personal experience. That’s easy, but when was the last time you shared a story…

FUD in the ACA

Additional changes and delays in the Employer Shared Responsibility provisions under the Affordable Care Act were announced yesterday. Staying in compliance and keeping up to date on changes in payroll, taxes, and human resources has always been a challenge for small businesses. Adding new complexities like the Employer Shared Responsibility certainly make it easier for payroll…

What Your Timekeeping is Missing

How do you track employee hours? Through emails to supervisors? Keeping track via the white board in the break room? Maintaining an Excel spreadsheet? These are all reasonable ways to monitor employee time, but are they the most efficient and reliable? Is your current method capable of showing where you’re overpaying for unnecessary labor, verifying…

Customer Loyalty- Get in the Game!

So you don’t have a Super Bowl- sized marketing budget? Maybe you’re a small business that doesn’t have a marketing budget at all! Good news…there are other ways to win new business. How we communicate has changed, how we market has changed, how we service has changed- but one thing has remained the same- “word-of-mouth”…

10 Commandments of Human Capital Management

Some of the most important aspects of a business are those who make it run every day. It is necessary to successfully manage your employees, while staying compliant with federal and state requirements. Below are the top 10 recommendations to keep in mind for not only acquiring talent, but retaining it. 1. Talent acquisition Looking…