Paper Checks Extinct by 2026?

The first known payment by paper check occurred in the early eleventh century when an Iranian traveler visited the city of Basra and gave a merchant written instruction ordering his bank to make a payment from his account. While the U.S. economy continues to rely on checks as a form of payment , that reliance…

Recognizing & Conquering Business Plateaus

Most business owners share a similar challenge- they’ve aggressively grown business, hired experienced and capable leaders, yet the business has reached a plateau. It’s important to recognize, as it not only affects business growth financially, but also is a prime motivator for the organization’s leaders and employees. I recently read an article written by Karl…

Spring Forward with Employee Health

Spring is a time of budding trees, blooming flowers, and brighter days. Why not spring into better health by renewing your office efforts to focus on employee health and fitness? Here are some simple ideas to promote health and fitness in your workplace: Start a walking club – have your employees commit to logging a preset number…

Customer Retention Strategies that Work

In an article published in the Harvard Business Review, September-October 1990 entitled “Zero Defections:  Quality Comes to Services”, Bain and Company, working with Earl Sasser of Harvard Business School analyzed the costs of revenues derived from servicing customers over their entire purchasing life cycle.  What they found is that increasing customer retention rates by 5% increases…